
Complete Healing and Restoration

Physical. Mental. Spiritual

About OxyCare

OxyCare is a natural homeopathic medicine for the healing of your entire body.

Strengthening the Oxygen levels in your body, boosting your immune support system, healing high blood pressure, preventing and healing cancer, arthritis, migraines, headaches, and pain, controlling diabetes, helping with asthma and aids, healing vigorous vains, preventing colds & flu, healing sores, bedsores, acne, blisters.

For a clearer skin tone, healing of cataracts, weight loss, and giving strength and energy to your body.


"My meisiekind is 4 en sukkel met mangels. Sy gebruik nou al 6weke die oxy drops, oxy nasal spray en oxy spray in die keel saam my, en sy haal so goed asem al, dat my man my nou die dag gevra het of ons kind ooit asem haal.... Sy het so gesukkel en gesnork, dat toe dit ophou, was hy bekommerd. Die combo werk soos n bom vir mangels!"

"Goeie naand ek wil net gou laat weet dat oxycare my man se lewe gered het. Drs het vermoed hy het beenmurg kanker of bloed kanker ek het hom op oxydrops en moringa gesit, vanoggend toe laat weet die dr wat oor hom in die hospitaal is dat hy skoon is van kanker net n infeksie wat hul behandel hy kom oor 2 dae terug huis toe. Hy is nou n week op oxycare produkte."

Mandy Potgieter

"My naam is Duppie en ek het baie krampe in my bene gekry in die nag. Soveel so dat ek opspring uit die bed uit van die pyn. My vrou het vir my van die kramp medesyne bestel maar ek wou dit nie sommer net drink nie. Wanneer ek 'n kramp kry, het ek die 25ml kramp middel gedrink en gou gou was dit weg. Ek drink dit nog steeds nie gereeld nie, maar die krampe is omtrent heeltemal weg. Ek glo as jy dit meer gereeld drink sal jy ontslae wees van die krampe. Dit werk regtig en ek kan dit beslis aanbeveel."


Over the years your lungs lose the ability to support your body with enough oxygen, in the process, your immune system struggles to heal your body and you end up with many illnesses and pain. OxyCare improves the oxygen levels in your body and strengthens your immune system.


Enquire below about our OxyCare range

Join my WhatsApp group for all OxyCare-related problems and testimonials (Send me a private message for quotations or diagnosis)

Over the years your lungs lose the ability to support your body with enough oxygen, in the process, your immune system struggles to heal your body and you end up with many illnesses and pain. OxyCare improves the oxygen levels in your body and strengthens your immune system.


Enquire below about our OxyCare range

Join my WhatsApp group for all OxyCare-related problems and testimonials (Send me a private message for quotations or diagnosis)

Contact us if you are not sure which OxyCare products will help with your problem.

We have a few questions for the safety of your health before we proceed with your order as we are happy to help in any way we can.

Do you have a chronic condition?

Are you on any chronic medication?

Do you have any allergies?

Are you on hormone treatment?

Do you use cortisone?

Any recent surgery?

Enquire about one of our products

Below is a list of our products, please select the product you would like to enquire about

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